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May 18, 2008

Club «DAClub». Russian Rock Party.

A smoke generator and light equipments were specially rent for our performance. And it was not vain! The club atmosphere was noticeably changed comparing to the previous bands (we thank them - especially the band "Otel" - for the good prepared audiences). The "lightnings" of the stroboscope flashed under the phonogram of storm and thunder bursts. And the spectators began to call the name of our band. During the playback of the electronic instrumental Spyoneer, from the clouds of the generated smoke, we appeared at the stage and began the show.

Proper stage illumination (thanks to Dmitry Drobov) helped us not only to provide a better influence to the fans (idea and realization of Alexey Zubovich), but made some difficulties. It is not so easy to spend almost an hour on the stage when every participant of the show is highlighted by a half of a kilowatt. And the drummer Sergey Belobotsky was floodlit by his own kilowatt, in the light of which he rised more than 2 meters above the stage.

As usual, the most active spectators were the fans of the famous russian band "Alisa", thank them very much. We also thank to all the audiences and the organizers.

Citations from our Guestbook:

    Guys! Well done! You left the very good impression at the Russian Rock Party... But the most marvelous was, of course, your appearance at the stage. It really hooked and did not let to go ;). Gratefully... Thanks..
    Respect, band MOSTbI

    Thanks to the band NAVSEGDA for the за excellent performance!!! The appearance at the stage was fabulous!! Perform more often!! ;)
    One hour on the stage is too little!!
    Thanks for Alisa! ))) It will be more of us at the next time!))
    ZэkэжбiD (band Alisa's fan)

Photos of our performance
DAClub DAClub DAClub DAClub
DAClub DAClub DAClub DAClub
DAClub DAClub DAClub DAClub
DAClub DAClub DAClub DAClub
DAClub DAClub DAClub DAClub

Photos by Dmitry Kuzhalkov

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